Sunday, October 17, 2010


Welcome to the Lombardo Family blog. Due to the desire of many family members to be more connected, I have created this blog. Every family member will have access to post pictures, notes about upcoming events, birthdays, and what's happening in your (or your family's) life.

It used to be that we saw each other frequently, but as time has passed and we have lost the matriarchs of our families (the aunts), we have grown apart. This is a great opportunity to keep us more involved in each other's lives. It only works, though if you actually post something!

I will be sending out a letter to everyone detailing our next get-together, and I will include information about how to post to the blog. It should be a very easy process, so even those who are new to computers will be able to do it. Don't forget, though if you cannot post, someone in your family can keep us updated.

I am looking forward to hearing from all of you!

With love,